Richtig gut und informationsreich 👍
This app is just garbage the questions are a joke
Great experience overall; I passed with 0 errors and it took me around 12 hours to learn the questions. My driving school was not a partner, so I sent them an email to request access. The response was very quick and efficient. Each question has a very detailed explanation and I found it helpful to memorize the solutions. The format is exactly like the test so there were no surprises to me.
Ist gut
Seher gut
Sometimes the visuals in the videos are not super clear. For this you can of course make them bigger but you can't use the playing bar at the bottem to scroll to specific points in the video to re-watch a smaller bit. I sometimes end up watching these 3 or 4 times when the question is only about the last second of the video. That said it is my only gripe with the app so a well deserved 4 stars!
Schlimm. 1.Andere Sprachen als Deutsch? Kann man vergessen, es fühlt sich so an, als wurde die App voll mit Google Übersetzer übersetzt. 2.Videos sind oft super unklar (man sieht zB nicht 130 auf dem Zeichnen, sondern 100 wegen Regentropfen im Video und antworten nur deswegen falsch). 3.Mathe? Ich hab es nicht gewusst, dass 80*80/2=8*8/2! 4. Magst du zu vorherige Frage kommen? Auch das geht nicht, du springst aus die ganze Lehrneinheit raus! Wollt ihr, dass wir gut lernen oder durchfallen??
The english translation from German is SO BAD and may cause confusion frequently and thus risking your chances at passing the exam. For example you translate the german expression "nicht dürfen" into "may not", which changes the meaning of the sentence totally. 😡😡 "dürfen nicht" translates to "must not". Please fix these expressions and many other grammatical errors in the english version. It's like the app developers are using google translation to translate the questions. This costed me 50eu
Good short tips right after the questions- all in place, very convenient.